Due to the current situation concerning COVID-19, the Bavarian Ministry of Science has ordered that all state libraries and museums are closed. For this reason, the Röntgen Memorial is also closed until further notice. Guided tours that have already been arranged will not take place.

The Roentgen memorial is currently being renovated. It can still be visited. The conversion will be completed for the kick-off event of the anniversary year on April 6, 2020. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Under construction

On November 8, 1895, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in the Physics Institute of the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg named the rays that he named, which he initially called X rays. His discovery of a completely new type of radiation marks the 125th time in 2020. The first Nobel […]
X-Ray 2020

Google Arts & Culture launches on 6 March 2019 with more than 110 institutions from 18 Countries the world’s most comprehensive online exhibition on inventions and discoveries. “Once upon a Try” includes more than 200,000 digitized historical records, artifacts and videos. After several months of intensive collaboration with Google Arts […]
The Roentgen-Memorial presents two Google Arts & Culture exhibitions

The Roentgen Memorial is always happy about reviews on different platforms such as: Tripadvisor Google Maps Foursquare We often hear from our guests that it is very helpful for them to read reviews from past guests before planning a visit. We also like to know what you liked and how […]
The Roentgen Memorial appreciates reviews

The Roentgen Memorial was awarded the Excellence Award by Tripadvisor. Since 2010, point of interests providing a consistently great service are awarded with a certificate of excellence. The award is given to facilities that have received consistently great travel reviews on TripAdvisor throughout the past year.
Roentgen Memorial has been awarded

This week, two physicists were guests at a quantum physics conference at the University of Würzburg. Prof. Serge Haroche and Prof. Hiroshi Amano visited the Prof. Röntgen laboratory, where he detected the X-rays. Both were awarded with the nobelprize, like Prof. Röntgen.
Two Nobel laureates visit Roentgen Memorial

In the new part of the Congress Centre Würzburg a board informs visitors about the sensational discovery of the X-Rays on November 8, 1895 made by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the Roentgenmemorial, that is just 500 meters away from CCW in the building of the former Institute of Physics of the University Würzburg. […]
Röntgen moves to CCW

The European Physical Society (European Physical Society, EPS) honored on 7 June 2016 the place where Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen on 8 November 1895 discovered the X-rays as a “Historic Site”. It is the third “Historic Site” in Germany, in Europe 29 places are awarded. With this award, the EPS recognizes the […]
Roentgen Memorial awarded as Historic Site

On November 8th, 1895, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered a new kind of ray, which he called X-rays. A small laboratory located in the former Physical Institute of the University of Würzburg, now the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, was the sight of one of the most important scientific breakthroughs […]